Sealed Class in C#

Sealed Class
It is a type of class that cannot be inherited.

The following ar some key points:
  • A Sealed class is created by using the sealed keyword
  • The Access modifiers are not applied upon the sealed class
  • To access the members of the sealed we need to create the object of that class
  • To restrict the class from being inherited, the sealed keyword is used
Example :
     public sealed class CustoMerDetails 
        public string AccountIno() 
            return "Vithal Wadje"; 

In the preceding example, the class is declared using the sealed keyword so that this class and the class member cannot be inherited

Private Vs sealed class
Private Sealed
Private classes cannot be declared directly inside the namespace. Sealed classes can be declared directly inside the namespace.
We cannot create an instance of a private class. We can create the instance of sealed class.
Private Class members are only accessible within a declared class. Sealed class members are accessible outside the class through object.