State Management in ASP.NET

What does stateless actually mean?
Stateless means, whenever we visit a website, our browser communicates with the respective server depending on our requested functionality or the request. The browser communicates with the respective server using the HTTP or HTTPs protocol.

What's next or what will happen when we visit that website again after closing our web browser?
In this case HTTP/HTTPs doesn't remember what website or URL we visited or in other words we can say it doesn't hold the state of a previous website that we visited before closing our browser, that is called stateless. So our browsers are stateless.

Client Side

Whenever we use Client-Side State Management, the state related information will directly get stored on the client-side. That specific information will travel back and communicate with every request generated by the user then afterwards provides responses after server-side communication.

Client side state management techniques are:
  • View State
  • Hidden field
  • Cookies
  • Control State
  • Query Strings

Server Side

Server-Side State Management is different from Client-Side State Management but the operations and working is somewhat the same in functionality. In Server-Side State Management all the information is stored in the user memory. Due to this functionality there is more secure domains at the server side in comparison to Client-Side State Management.

Server side state management techniques are:
  • Session State
  • Application State